

In accordance with what is laid down in the Law of Services of the Information Society (LSSI) for public administrations, work is constant in order to improve UIBdigital's web accessibility.

Thus, UIBdigital has been designed to fulfil at least the accessibility guidelines up to a level of double A (AA), as defined in the specification of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) by Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

  1. Screens (HTML+ CSS+ The Script languages) are designed to support the following operating systems:

    • GNU/Linux
    • Microsoft Windows (2000, NT, XP, Vista, 7)
    • Apple Mac OS X

    And the following browsers::

    • Firefox, from version 3 onwards
    • Internet Explorer, from version 7 onwards
    • Safari 3, 4 and 5
    • Opera 9, 10 and 11
    • Chrome, all versions

    The recommended browsers are:

    • Firefox, from version 4 onwards
    • Internet Explorer 9
    • Chrome
  2. Conformity with standards

    The UIBdigital marking code has been designed to validate against the type of document HTML4.01 Transitional.

    The code of the style sheets CSSis designed to validate according to W3C specifications.

  3. Basic techniques for application of accessibility guidelines

    UIBdigital follows the accessibility guidelines when designing the web pages of W3C

  4. Accessible tables

    The tables on UIBdigital conform to the following accessibility guidelines when designing the web pages of W3C:

    WCAG 5.1. Identify column and row headings on data tables. [Priority 1]

    WCAG 5.2. For the given tables with two or more logical row and column heading levels, use markers to associate data cells with heading cells [Priority 1]

    WCAG 5.3. Do not use tables for layout, unless it makes sense to align them. If they make no sense when aligned, provide an equivalent aligned version. [Priority 2]

    WCAG 5.4. If you use tables for layout, do not use structural markers to achieve format visual effects. [Priority 2]. For example, we do not use element thso that the content of a cell which is not a heading is shown centered and in bold.

    WCAG 5.5. Provide descriptions of the tables. [Priority 3]

    WCAG 5.6. Provide abbreviations for the heading labels. [Priority 3]

  5. Accessible forms

    UIBdigital is designed so that the user may understand the meaning of each field and what he is expected to enter in each.

    That is why we follow the recommendation of the document WCAG 1.0for the forms:

    WCAG 12.3. Divide long information blocks into more manageable blocks when it is natural and appropriate. [Priority 2]

    WCAG 12.4. Associate explicitly labels with their controls. [Priority 2]

  6. Methodology for revision of accessibility

    The development of UIBdigital follows the WAI guidelines recommended by the revision methodology.

    To determine the degree of accessibility of the UIBdigital web pages, the following tests are carried out:

    1. Test with different web browsers
    2. Analysis of the source code
    3. Check of accessibility with different automatic assessment tools
    4. Check spelling and grammar
    5. Revision for disabled students